Friday, October 12, 2007

a little dizzy

I’ve been in a funky place this week. Feeling overwhelmed, like I can’t keep up with things. My sinuses and itchy spots seem to have taken a turn for the worse, too. I’m starting to get to that obsessive place, wondering if it’s because I made some baked oatbran with carob chips, a recipe I found on one of the candida websites so it “should” be candida-friendly, but everyone knows that oats are a controversial grain (duh!), and so now I’m not sure if it’s something I should have eaten or not but then feeling crazy for feeling like I’ve strayed way off course because I ate OATS and UNSWEETENED carob, for crying out loud. This is the place I was afraid of.
And so, here I am - hyper-aware of every “symptom” and then wondering what it might be a “symptom” of – life?
I also have these crazy bruises all over my body. Not sure what that’s about. Has there been some kind of change in my blood chemistry? Or am I just really out of my body and trying to get back in?
I think I feel okay, being off the meds. (really??), although today I realized that I’m having trouble feeling like I’m kicking into gear. But that could be because of just about anything right now (see above).
I want to be able to just be here, where I am, without having to know “why,” as if my entire life is a disease.
Meanwhile, had a couple’s therapy appointment yesterday and am feeling very confused about that. About reality. I love my husband and he loves me and yet part of me feels very closed off or shut down or dead. And then there’s all the “why” questions again. I’m beginning to look at myself and my behavior and its impact in new ways, which I think is a good thing but for the moment, while my perspective is dramatically shifting, I feel myself reaching for the walls to steady myself and slow everything down, but what do you know – the world just keeps on turning anyway.
I turn 39 today.


daisies said...

happy birthday!! be gentle with yourself while you go through all your changes .. xox

i turn 39 next month :) its a good age i think!

bella said...

It's hard to see things and yourself in a new light to have perspectives shift.
It sounds like of releasing is going on. letting things be emptied, detox.
And here, the world spins and the orientation shifts so where are we?
It is helpful to hear you write so honestly of exactly where you are here, now. It takes courage to do this.
love to you, birthday girl.

Anonymous said...

Good time to slow down. Happy birthday. We Libras do tend to spin.
And Mercury isn't helping.