Friday, November 9, 2007


Today I’m off for my overnight getaway, and I am giddy with anticipation. Wow. I didn’t realize until just now, zipping up my suitcase, how much I need this. I am very grateful that I am able to spend a night away from home, away from the dishes and macaroni and strewn toys that need to be picked up, from the overflowing trash can and the pile of laundry. I am grateful that my in-laws live nearby and have the kind of relationship with my kids that provides a good time for everybody when my boys spend the night there. I’m grateful that my husband will also have some much needed time to himself to write, sleep, watch sports or do whatever it is that he feels like doing, in the moment he feels like doing it. I’m grateful that we have the resources, the money, the time, the car that enables me to go away for a night and come home again, refreshed. And I am so, so grateful for a friend with whom I can go, knowing that the time together will be fun and easy, deep and healing.
I am sending out a little payer for all the mothers and women everywhere who are so lucky as me.

1 comment:

bella said...

I tagged you for a writing prompt on habits over at my blog.
Feel free to participate or decline.
Me? I'm just sludging my way through the blogging every day for a month thing. :)